√完了しました! npc nif merge sse 121708-Npc nif merge sse
Aug 19, · NPC Nif Merge by Turulo RaceMenu by Expired Holiday Hairdos by Summerdew This is a Port from LE to SSE and any UNP stuff converted to CBBE Original Mod Found on 9DAMAO 429 downloads (0 reviews) 7 comments UpdatedSerana is a DLC NPC so her ID can be random depending on your load order Her ID is listed as xx002b74 The xx can be any number, but if you have the Legendary edition it is most likely 03 So you would type prid b74, then moveto player However if 03 doesn't work you can just type help serana in console to get her IDIt's the separate models for Skyrim Special Edition Making A Custom Npc Follower Allison Wade Fantasy Npc nif merge sse